I have been struggling with the Insanity workout and some strange, new problem with my feet. For some reason, for the past week and a half (mind you, i have been doing this for 5) they have been cramping up about 7 minutes into the workout. Enuf that it's unbearable, like stop and rip off my shoes, sometimes crying. I have an appt with a podiatrist on Thursday, cause there is no clear explanation for this (i bought new shoes on Saturday and always drink a ton of water) and i am very discouraged that the rest of me is getting pretty good at this sucky/hard workout but my dumb feet won't let me do it! If i massage and stretch for about 5 min, i can usually re-shoe and get back in and finish up the last 35 min or so with no trouble, but i don't WANT to hafta stop like that!
Then, i was chatting with one of my friends yesterday morning, who is a dance teacher and choreographer extraordinaire, She says she can't wear regular athletic shoes with out cramping. She suggested some Jazz shoes, told me they were cheap. So i ran out and grabbed some, knowing that today was gonna be a hard (workout) day and there was prolly gonna be too much snow to get out for a while. Well, i worked out in them today and had no cramping. They are UGLY and a lil slippery, but i was shocked!
That all being said, THIS WORKOUT WAS REDIC!! We did the fit test and i had some pretty significant improvement there, but immediately following we were supposed to do an hour long workout. It was our first time to do any in the MAX series. They are the videos that you do in the final 4 weeks. It's 15 minutes longer(which puts it @ 1 hr) and super MORE intense. I am trying not to judge it on today, b/c we were spent b4 we started it from the fit test.(40 minutes of going hard) I am just pretty sure that it is beyond my ability. I threw up about 20 minutes into the MAX thing and that was enuf for me to quit, "digging deeper" as ShaunT says.
Oh, yeah, we also go roughly 2 feet of snow today, did i mention worst day?
Ok, how bout next time i'll have something nice to say?
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